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Liselund ny Slot · Langebjergvej 6 · DK- 4791 Borre · Møn

The history behind Liselund Ny Slot

Liselund lies in a fairytale setting near Møns Klint in the northeast corner of the island Møn.
This beautiful, romantic place - with a tiny thatched castle, a Chinese teahouse, a Norwegian log cabin, and situated among lakes, streams and memorial stones - was a wonderful gift of love from a husband to his wife.
Antoine de la Calmette was the prefect of Møn in 1790, and together with his wife Lisa he created Liselund Park. Neither of them lived long but they left a son, Charles, who married Martha Sabine Mackeprang, later known as "The White Lady of Liselund".
Charles de la Calmette was a playboy who lived beyond his means, died young and left his young wife, and the estate, with an enormous debt. So in the 1820's Liselund ended up in the hands of the Baronecy of Rosenkrantz.
You might still be lucky to meet "The White Lady", gracefully gliding across the park's lawns - if modern day sorcerers haven't succeeded in sending her to the Heavens.
In 1887, almost 100 years after the foundation of Liselund Park, Baroness Oluffa Krabbe and Baron Fritz Rosenkrantz built Liselund ny Slot in the western part of the garden, perfectly situated on a hilltop with a view across the park and over the Baltic to the east.
The Rosenkrantz family resided at Liselund ny Slot for almost 100 years, but by the 1960's they considered that the castle had become too old-fashined and expensive to live in. The family moved out, and for some years the house was used as a youth hostel and camp school.
In 1980 Liselund ny Slot was sold - together with 5000 sq m - to the State, and remained empty for many years while its fate (even demolition) was considered.
But doubts over the castle's future ended with its sale in 1989 to the present owners, Krista and Steffen Steffensen. The castle was completely and carefully restored and converted into a lovely castle-hotel, with 17 unique rooms, restaurant and café.

Liselund New Castle is built in Italian style and interior decorated with beautiful ceiling paintings , stucco and planks .
The kitchen is based on organic & biodynamic ingredients , many from our local area . Our very fine wines are made by biodynamic and organic producers in Italy, Spain , France, South Africa and Chile.
The ecology and sustainable principles go far beyond the kitchen. It is a consistent idea that fills the entire castle operation. It is not only food and drink , it is also the soap in the rooms , the paper in the printer, washing of linen , etc. We aim to be sustainable throughout and require our suppliers great responsibility for innovation and quality. Electricity consumption up of green electricity from wind power in Denmark , drinking water retrieved from abundant aquifers in the local chalk subsoil. Any piece of renovation work performed on or in the castle has been carefully considered in relation to sustainability in terms of the materials' origin, energy, transport, etc
Over the years in the ownership of family Steffensen, care has been taken that the castle at any time presents itself beautifully and authentically . We maintain and renovate regularly so that Liselund ny Slot always appear beautiful. .

Also in our century Liselund is an adventure filled with ambience, atmosphere , magic & spirits from the past. If you are lucky , you may meet the old Baroness Oluffa in the living rooms at Liselund ny Slot, where she keeps an authoritative eye at everything that goes on.


C.F. Eckersberg, 1809. 

The painting most likely represents Martha and Charles de la Calmette with a guest. They are standing by the cascade flowing under the Devil's Bridge.